Donate before year end to support Christian initiatives in Madison WI in 2016! image

Donate before year end to support Christian initiatives in Madison WI in 2016!

50 organizations requested $504,000 for worthy projects. We have raised $105,000. Please help us close this gap so these spectacular organizations can serve people in need and advance God's Kingdom in Madison.

$5,955 raised

$50,000 goal

/ 150


Serve people, proclaim the gospel, advance the Kingdom in Madison

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

1 Timothy 6:18

Your Gift will help the Saints Expand the Kingdom of God in Madison! Please Give Today

All donations made before 12/31/2015 will close the gap and help us fund Christian organizations like Care Net, Nehemiah, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Hope and a Future, Evangelical Catholic, and many others that serve people and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in Madison. Please consider maximizing your giving on this special day by sharing our campaign with friends and family.